Police respond to a call about a vicious dog but find the sweetest pup instead


Pit Bulls get a bad rap. So when someone saw what looked like a Pit Bull laying around, they called the police. When the police arrived, though, they didn’t find a vicious monster at all.

When the Texarkana Texas Police were called about a “vicious dog,” they were expecting to find some dangerous monster. Instead, they found the goofiest, sweetest dog ever.

Officer Travis Frost responded to the call about a vicious dog and found the giant terror lying on someone’s front porch. Because he expected the dog to be aggressive, Travis left the door of his patrol car open so that he could jump back in quickly if the dog attacked.

But that’s not what happened at all. Officer Travis whistled at the dog, who bounded over to the officer, tail wagging, stopped for some pets, and jumped right into the front seat of the car and “just made himself at home.” Yeah, that’s totally a thing a monster would do.

Obviously, that call “didn’t go quite like we thought it would,” the Texarkana Texas Police Department said.

But they used the experience as an opportunity to teach the public about breed discrimination. Because the dog looked like a Pit Bull (even though he’s actually an American Bully), people were afraid. They have this idea that Pit Bulls are vicious, mean, aggressive dogs, but Pit Bulls are just like any other dog. Sure, some could be mean, especially because some Pit Bulls are unfortunately trained and bred to be aggressive, but most of them are sweet, friendly, lovable pups.

UPDATE April 30 @ 1:00 p.m.: GREAT NEWS!!! We just learned that Gold, the dog we encountered yesterday, was picked up…

Posted by Texarkana Texas Police Department on Sunday, April 29, 2018

“Pit Bulls have a bad reputation,” the police department said. “Travis said that, while you should always be careful around any dog that you don’t know, you shouldn’t automatically assume that all pit bulls are bad dogs. They might be really loving like this guy was this morning.”

And, luckily, this story got a happy ending. Travis handed the dog over to Animal Control, who learned that he was microchipped. The owner’s contact information wasn’t updated, but the owner did manage to find his pup, who we now know is named Gold.

This gave the police yet another opportunity to teach the public about dogs. They reminded everyone to make sure that everything on their dogs’ chips was current.

Next: Watch this adorable guide dog walk his owner into a pet store

Even though Gold’s chip wasn’t current, this supposedly vicious dog got to go on a bit of an adventure, change some minds about dog breeds, and find his way home.