Where exactly does Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery sit on the Harry Potter timeline?


The new Harry Potter game app is taking the world by storm. Now fans want to know where in the timeline Hogwarts Mystery fits and who they’re likely to meet.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is just the latest game available. When fans first heard about it, they were curious about what they would get to do and who they would meet. We did get a rough timeline of being somewhere between the deaths of James and Lily Potter and Harry Potter starting school but that was it.

Pottermore has now shared where the game sits in the Harry Potter timeline. Not only do we get an idea of when we’re at the school, but also who we’ll potentially get to meet along the way.

Photo Credit: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery/Jam City Image Acquired from ONE PR Studio.

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You’re going to school in 1984

Many Potterheads wouldn’t have even been born at this point in real life, but you get to go back in time whenever you play the game. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is officially set in 1984. This is in between the two events already mentioned, but closer to the deaths of the Potters.

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You already know that Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Severus Snape are all at the school. In fact, you’ve likely come across them at some point already, but who else will you get to meet?

Most of the professors who were at the school when Harry attended in the first year will be there. Expect to come across the likes of Professor Flitwick, Professor Trelawney, and even Argus Filch.

Photo Credit: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery/Jam City Image Acquired from ONE PR Studio.

Look out for a Weasley in your school year

Since you’re a new student in 1984, you should see a few important other new students joining you. One of those is Charlie Weasley, one of Ron’s older brothers. This is the one that if you’ve only watched the movies you’ll easily overlook as he was barely mentioned. However, he played a major role in the books.

If you’re sorted into Slytherin, you may just meet Merula Snyde. This new Hogwarts student is a bully, just as many other Slytherins have been. She starts off by bullying new Gryffindor Ben Cooper. However, it’s important to know her parents were Death Eaters and are currently serving time in Azkaban.

Who have you come across in the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery game? Who are you hoping to see now you know the timeline? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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