Legion season 2 episode 4 review: Chapter 12

Ready for a deep dive into character exploration? Well then, you’re going to love the latest episode of Legion!

Legion has had an arc the size of the Shadow King this season but it seems as if the writers have decided we all needed a break from the less than stellar look at Farouk. A show that had us roped in because of its trippy nature, Legion took a different turn for most of the season.

“Chapter 12”, however, decides to look deeper into the mind and world of Sydney Barrett. Syd, who can’t touch any living thing without switching bodies with it, is still a rather elusive figure to fans. She is David’s love and can only be intimate with him in her mind. This episode, she lets David into her mind and memories in a completely new and exciting way.

Legion has twists and turns and weird choices that make us turn in week after week to see what we’re going to get. The problem? Well, a lot of the time, we lack substance because of it. This season, however, the focus has been on the draw between David and Syd. Especially with the last episode.

Part of Legion that continues to draw us in is the connection between people. Whether it is Melanie and Oliver or Cary and Kerry, this show does a wonderful job of taking the insanity that surrounds David Haller and simplifying it to humans trying to connect with one another.

In regards to Syd, it is the only way she knows how to share her story with David. Her aversion to touch is a necessity but she’s learning ways around it and connecting with people like she never did before. Thus, she lets David in by allowing him into her mind and while not as exciting in the grand scheme of the show, the episode had a wonderful emotional weight to it.

Related Story: Legion season 2: Are we focusing too much on Farouk?

Check back here on Culturess for more Legion news and recaps.