8 games that we’d endlessly play if they were remastered

Remastered games like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro have us thinking… What other game franchises do we want to see touched up?

Remastered games are all the rage lately. Last year, we saw Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy hit the PS4, selling over 2.5 million copies worldwide. Now it’s coming to PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox in July of this year. We’ve also seen modern releases of L.A. Noir, Final Fantasy XII, Secret of Mana, Devil May Cry Trilogy, and Shadow of the Colossus, to name a few. The Spyro Reignited Trilogy is the next franchise to be remastered with an expected September release. Below is our wishlist for 8 games we hope are next:

1. Dragon Age

Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II were released back in 2009 and 2011 respectively. The most recent in the series, Dragon Age Inquisition, launched in 2014. As Dragon Age III is likely several years off,  a remaster of the first two in the series with new graphics and updated mechanics would certainly tide over fans of the series.

2. Space Channel 5

A Sega Dreamcast classic! The dancing rhythm game got a PlayStation 2 port, along with the previously Japan-only sequel, back in 2003. While the gameplay and music were wonderfully nostalgic, the graphics felt dated. A complete remaster with new 4k graphics would bring Ulala’s sweet dance moves to modern consoles.

3. Eternal Darkness

This horror game originally released on the Nintendo GameCube in 2002. It had a unique sanity meter that added psychological elements like warped camera effects and a fake event showing save game data being deleted. A modern version could add some fun new mechanics, especially on a system like the Nintendo Switch.

4. Final Fantasy VIII

SquareEnix has already remastered Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII for the PlayStation 4, and is working on a series of games based on Final Fantasy VII, but no news on the 1999 fan-favorite Final Fantasy VIII.

5. Parasite Eve

While SquareSoft’s first M-rated game got a re-release on PlayStation Network back in 2010, this Resident Evil-esque game would be perfect for a remaster. Its cinematic style was ahead of its time in 1998. With modern systems, the cinematic sequences would shine and the long load-times that plagued the original would be reduced with today’s superior processors.

6. Power Stone

Another Dreamcast favorite, this 1999 fighting game and its sequel were ported to the PlayStation Portable back in 2006. Sure, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Tekken, and Soulcalibur all have modern iterations. But this 3D arena fighting game would be a nice, playful contrast to the grittier games in the genre.

7. Fatal Frame

Fatal Frame is often cited as one of the scariest horror game franchises. It has had a slew of games produced over the years, some receiving Japan-only releases. One of the more recent entries for the Nintendo 3DS used the system’s cameras for an AR experience. A player could literally fight ghosts in their own homes! With the innovative Nintendo Switch, a remake could make use of the IR camera in the Joycon for a similar experience (or perhaps a Nintendo Labo camera?).

8. Galerians

Even though this challenging PlayStation game and the PlayStation 2 sequel received mixed reviews, the games and 3-part OVA have become cult classics. The games had an intriguing plot lines full of psychic powers and rampant AI that would do well today with updated graphics and gameplay mechanics.

Related Story: Dark Souls Remastered delayed for Nintendo Switch

As more companies cash in on nostalgia, remastering older games is a trend that will likely continue, especially with new VR and 4K technology. What game series do you want to see come to modern systems?