L-R: Mirai Nagasu (photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin); Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin); Arike Ogunbowale (photo: The University of Notre Dame via ABC Press); Josh Norman (photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin)
Now that we know who’s competing on Dancing with the Stars’ new all-athlete season, it’s time to make some way-too-early predictions on who will win.
Were this a normal year, Dancing with the Stars would have already started its spring season by now. Thanks (at least partially) to a little show called American Idol, we won’t get to see the show until the end of April instead. However, DWTS took pity on us and announced the cast a little early as a way of saying “we’re sorry,” or at least just to build hype.
That means it’s time to speculate on which of these athletes could come home with the Mirrorball Trophy at the end of the competition.
That’s right. It’s time to talk Dancing with the Stars: Athletes.
Who will win? Who could end up being an upset? Who probably doesn’t have a chance?
Sure, DWTS likes to show that anyone can win, but you can usually get a sense of who can probably go pretty far just based on those all-important first impressions (and prior knowledge of what everyone is known for, of course).
Let’s dive right in and take a look at who’s partnered with whom and their odds of winning when all is said and done.