The Mulan live-action movie casts Rogue One’s Donnie Yen and more

There is a live action Mulan reboot happening in 2020 and new reports are giving us the inside scoop on the amazing cast playing our favorite characters.

Mulan is by far one of the best Disney movies out there. It has everything from funny characters to amazing music. It’s an inspirational movie about a young girl fighting against all odds to save her father. Now, we’ll be getting another Mulan film that’ll be live action, and the official cast members sound amazing.

We know that Liu Yifei, a popular Chinese singer and actress, will be starring in the reboot as Mulan.

New information has recently come out about who else will appear in the film.  Donnie Yen, who played the infamous Chirrut Îmwe in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, will be in the new adaption according to Deadline. Yen will reportedly play Mulan’s mentor, Commander Tung.

While this is amazing, I’m even more excited to talk about who’s going to be playing the emperor: Jet Li!

If you don’t know who Jet Li is, what have you been doing with your life? With amazing films under his belt, he’s one of the biggest Chinese stars out there. I’m curious to see how they change the role to fit his style and capabilities while keeping true to the original. Will we be lucky enough to see some amazing martial arts from the master himself?

Speaking of changes, there is one major change to the entire film — the villain. In the 1998 Disney film, the leader of the Hun army, Shan-Yu was the villain. Shan-Yu terrified us throughout our childhood (and now terrifies my son). But the new villain will be a woman who is a powerful witch.

The talented Gong Li, who’s known for her role in The Story of Qiu Ju, will play this powerful witch. Gong Li was also in Hannibal Rising, and her performance is amazing (if you haven’t seen it you need to).

I’m in love with all Disney movies, and Mulan is one of my all-time favorites. While I’m not a fan of live-action reboots, the Beauty and the Beast one was amazing. I’m willing to give the Mulan reboot a chance, especially after learning about the killer cast behind it.

Next: Disney to make a live-action Lady and the Tramp for its streaming service

The Mulan reboot won’t be out until 2020, so there’s time for us to speculate on how it will turn out. Do you like the stars chosen and Disney live-action reboots? Let us know!