25 fun facts you didn’t know about your favorite teen movies

FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF © 2020 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All rights reserved.
FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF © 2020 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All rights reserved. /
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teen movies
FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF © 2020 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All rights reserved. /

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off – Charlie Sheen almost had a bigger role

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is yet another classic film by John Hughes, but this time there’s no Molly Ringwald in sight.

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) is determined to have a perfect day off of school. He comes up with a wild plan in order to make that happen, including dragging his (actually sick) best friend out of bed and snatching his girlfriend out of class to have a day out on the town.

Even with a suspicious principal and an angry sister hot on his trail, he still manages to pull off the perfect day off without anyone knowing any better.

In a quick cameo in the film, a young Charlie Sheen appears as a criminal at the police station. He isn’t named, but the character gets some screen time when he flirts with Ferris’ sister Jeanie Bueller (Jennifer Grey). Originally, the character was meant to have a whole backstory, but it had to be scrapped.

According to an Inside Story documentary in 1986, Sheen’s character was named Garth Volbeck, and there was a backstory planned for him and his family. Apparently, his parents were the family Ferris’ mother (a realtor) was supposed to be showing a house to. In one scene, you even see the name “Volbeck’s Wrecking Service” on the tow truck taking away Rooney’s car.

There was also a backstory that involved a friendship between Ferris and Garth; they were friends in the eighth grade. Garth’s family had some issues, and Ferris tried to help him out, but Garth dropped out of school, and then wound up in the police station with Ferris’ sister. That completely changes the way we look at Charlie Sheen’s character!