Legion season 2 episode 2 review: Chapter 10


Legion continues to take us on a trippy ride through the mind of David Haller. But would we really have it any other way?

When it comes to Legion, most of the time we don’t know what in the world is going on. It isn’t that the show is hard to follow; you get the basic gist of what is happening. There is just so much psychedelic happening around you that a lot of the plot gets lost.

This episode helped a little more with explaining what was going on with the mute Syd from the future and her idea to let the Shadow King into Division 3. But still, we were lost in a weird carousel trip and everything seemed a bit muddled.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons we love Legion so much. We never really know what we’re in for. The latest trend is even more dance numbers and while cool, just confuses us even more because do they hear the music? Are they singing it out loud with no one around?

Then there are Division 3 child soldiers who Farouk (the Shadow King) convinces to leave rather than killing them and, again, this show is maybe one of the most confusing yet intriguing shows to ever grace our television screens.

The question is: Once Farouk is taken care of, will the show be easier to follow? The theory is that the Shadow King is the reason the show is so trippy and David has been easier to follow since losing Farouk but will everything mellow out or is it going to continue to be this weird fever dream of a show we can’t seem to get enough of?

Well, we’ll have to wait and see.

Related Story: Legion's premiere episode: Men never come back the same

Check back here on Culturess later in the week for our follow up on this week’s episode. Make sure to check back each week for a new review and news on Legion!