Hermione Granger is still one of the best female characters out there


Hermione Granger is one of the most important characters to a young girl. So we’re going to examine why she still remains as such.

Most girls who read Harry Potter related to Hermione Granger. Whether it was because she liked books and would rather read or because she was strong-willed, most of us found something to love in her character.

It became even more relevant when Harry Potter and the Cursed Child cast a black actress to portray her, showing a whole new group of young girls that they could also be the brightest witch of her age. It’s truly a testament to the character and J.K Rowling’s work that we consistently work hard to relate back to Hermione, even years later.

We could easily have forgotten the importance Hermione once had to us as we aged but we haven’t. Still, we remember that Hermione taught so many of us that it was okay to be bookish. That being smart didn’t have to limit us in regards to friendships and social lives.

It is just something that makes us, as fans, still hold the series dear to our hearts. As I stated, we could have just forgotten all that the Harry Potter series gave us. But it has stuck with us and made us realize that this was something that helped shape us into the people we are today.

So maybe Hermione Granger won’t ever leave us. Someday, we’ll be talking to our kids about the series and gush about her. Or maybe we’ll forget what she means to us as we age but that doesn’t mean her impact will be any less.

Next: A Gryffindor is such because they want to be one

Hermione Granger taught us that being our book loving, nerdy selves was an okay thing to be and for that, we all owe her the world and more.