Luke and Leia – Star Wars
I promise not to only list siblings that have romantic feelings for each other — it’s just a coincidence that this (also infamous) set of twins made this list. What would a discussion of fictional brothers and sisters be without the inclusion of Luke and Leia? These two epitomize what the strength of family can do, and how far that can take you during a shared cause.
Perhaps the most famous siblings of all time, Luke and Leia didn’t technically know they were related when they kissed in that famous Empire scene. Sure, Luke could talk to her with his mind, but it’s possible George Lucas retroactively added this bit about them being twins.
These two, related or not, are a force to be reckoned with and have earned their place in the contemporary movie canon. This relationship continues, even after Carrie Fisher’s death, to be one of the most meaningful match-ups in the franchise — if not in movie history.
Mostly thanks to Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, these two siblings will go down in the brother/sister hall of fame of the most influential and memorable characters of all time. Once they realized they were actually kin, their bond became even stronger and they presented a real and present danger to the forces of evil. The Lannister twins could learn a few things from these two.