Have you ever looked at the Avengers and thought to yourself that they all have nice butts? Well, don’t worry! So does whoever is in charge at Marvel!
Avengers: Infinity War is about to be upon us. Fans everywhere are anxiously waiting for the fate of their favorite heroes. They are also waiting to see those butts in action! Or at least they are now. In a new set of character posters, Marvel decided to give us a glimpse of some of our favorite characters in action.
The problem? Well, Twitter cropped some of them in a way that led the mind astray. Meaning that most fans were staring at the butts of Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan and thanking whoever at Twitter is in charge of cropping pictures.
“There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people, to see if we could become something more.” @Avengers: #InfinityWar (1/6) pic.twitter.com/IdX0CSDbhV
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) April 4, 2018
So it brings up the question: Who has the best butt in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Now, I think the winner should be easy. Marvel continually puts nonother than Chris Evans’ butt on display. Remember when there was a slow zoom in on his butt while he was boxing?
— Jenny I (@jenny__i) April 4, 2018
But Cap isn’t the only one we want to see in a nice pair of tight pants. Obviously, his best friend and pal until the end of the line has a booty we’d like to see too. We’re talking about Bucky Barnes himself, Sebastian Stan.
Furthermore, we were teased with a backside poster of both Chadwick Boseman and Chris Hemsworth, but the images are either cut off where you can’t see their butts or there’s a cape in the way (looking at you, Thor).
Next: Sebastian Stan shares an Instagram post that gives us a glimpse into Infinity War
I guess we will all just have to wait and see the butts of the Avengers take on Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War coming out this April 27. Until then, the debate can rage on about which member of the Avengers has the best butt.