25 things you didn’t know about your favorite rom-coms

(Photo by Tracy Bennett/MGM Pictures)
(Photo by Tracy Bennett/MGM Pictures) /
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27 Dresses
(Photo credit  JENS SCHLUETER/DDP/AFP via Getty Images) /

27 Dresses: Katherine Heigl is too pretty to look ugly

27 Dresses is the movie for any woman who is always a bridesmaid, never a bride. Jane (Katherine Heigl) has been a bridesmaid a whopping 27 times, and she’ll do anything to help everyone around her, except for herself. She kills herself to please her boss, whom she’s in love with, and she still feels the need to baby her younger sister.

When the boss and the sister fall in love, it’s all a little too much for Jane, and her perfect bridesmaid facade starts to fall apart.

With a name like 27 Dresses, audiences are expecting the movie to feature at least 27 dresses. Thankfully, the wardrobe department came through! When Jane meets Kevin (James Marsden), and he’s fascinated by her perma-bridesmaid status, she gives him a little fashion show. There are Japanese kimonos and Western-inspired dresses, and plenty of frills, hoop skirts and flowers to make you go crazy.

As Jane showcases ugly dress after ugly dress, we get a sense that all these brides had some terrible taste. You might think this would be a costumer designer’s dream,  to make a slew of eccentric, over the top dresses, but as it turns out, the wardrobe department actually struggled to make dresses that were ugly!

Apparently, all their initial designs for the costumes for the film still looked too good on Katherine Heigl’s figure. They were actually hard-pressed to find designs that would look bad on her, so they had to go bigger and more nauseating before settling on the final looks.

Wow, what a struggle. Can’t relate!