There was a Harry Potter reference in HQ Trivia tonight


HQ Trivia has been known to throw a couple of curve balls in there but tonight, Harry Potter got a shout out. And not during a question either.

Harry Potter is known for getting people to either win trivia or lose. Often, people organizing trivia nights see it as an easy in. Because really, you either know the answer or you don’t. It isn’t like science or something we learned in school that you could use process of elimination.

Pop culture is a juggernaut and if you don’t know it then you don’t know it. So why wasn’t this Potter reference a question? Who knows but the call out was quite fun and random for those of us playing along.

The question was about moon cycles and asked what the moon is called after a full moon. Obviously the answer is a new moon but as we waited for her to tell us the right answer, the host decided to throw in a little nod to our favorite wolf like professor.

She said that Professor Lupin would probably know the answer to this (which is really assuming a lot, he’s just a werewolf). But it was still fun. Especially because the easy option would have been to make a Twilight reference because, you know, one of those books is literally called New Moon.

Instead, us Potter fans got to think about Remus Lupin and cry for a moment because we love him more than anything else in this world.

Next: Seeing the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child theater in New York City

So as a fan of Harry Potter, I’d love it if HQ Trivia did an entire night of questions on the series. Until then, we will take the little references. Even if I would have gone for a Twilight joke.