Barack and Michelle Obama wrote an incredibly heartfelt letter to the Parkland students


Mic obtained the handwritten letter Barack and Michelle Obama wrote to the Parkland students in the wake of the school shooting, and it’s so inspiring.

Barack and Michelle Obama reached out to the Parkland shooting survivors with a handwritten note thanking them for their bravery and action. 17 students and faculty were killed during theMarjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14. The Obama’s letter was just as beautiful and thoughtful as you’d expect from the former president and first lady.

The Obama administration saw a number of mass shootings including the tragedies at Pulse Nightclub, Aurora, and Sandy Hook Elementary School. Barack Obama’s tearful speech about shootings following Sandy Hook still breaks our hearts. So this was obviously an emotional letter for the Obamas to write.

In the heartwarming letter, dated March 10, Barack and Michelle wrote how moved they were by the students. Not only did they come together in the wake of such a terrible tragedy, but they sparked a national movement. They talked about how change can be a hard and slow process, but the Obamas supported them every step of the way. It was truly inspiring.

Mic obtained a copy of the heartfelt letter, which read:

"We wanted to let you know how inspired we have been by the resilience, resolve and solidarity that you have all shown in the wake of unspeakable tragedy.Not only have you supported and comforted each other, but you’ve helped awaken the conscience of the nation, and challenged decision-makers to make the safety of our children the country’s top priority.Throughout our history, young people like you have led the way in making America better. There may be setbacks; you may sometimes feel like progress is too slow in coming. But we have no doubt you are going to make an enormous difference in the days and years to come, and we will be there for you."

This letter is a huge reminder of how compassionate, considerate, and genuine the former president and first lady were. It’s what we should want and expect from people in power.

This isn’t the first time the Obamas reached out to the Parkland students. On February 21, Michelle shared this tweet.

And on February 22, Barack said the following.

Barack also called for common sense gun laws following the shooting.

The Obamas aren’t wrong. Young people have always been the ones to bring about change in this country. They’re on the path to doing so with gun reform. In some ways, we’ve become used to all these shootings. We grieve, offer our thoughts and prayers, say this wasn’t the time to talk about politics, and move on until the next shooting.

But the kids at Parkland have said that’s not enough and have fought for gun control so that we can see an end to these mass shootings. They’re in this for the long haul until they see some change. It’s been over a month since the shooting and people are still talking about it, which is pretty remarkable.

Next: March for Our Lives: All you need to know about the protest

Next, they’re planning the March for Our Lives this Saturday. Will you participate in the March?