Avengers: Infinity War: 5 team-ups we want to see

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Stills from Avengers: Age of Ultron and Black Panther trailers. Images via Marvel/Disney

Black Widow and Okoye

Just picture these two in a fight scene.

It does not matter whether they are fighting against someone else or if they actually end up fighting each other for some reason. Okoye and Natasha have strangely similar fighting styles in the sense that they’re willing to use whatever they have at hand to beat their opponents.

While Okoye favors a spear and Natasha guns, that doesn’t mean they can’t pair well together in tag-teaming anyone who dares challenge their fighting prowess.

But the two of them also have a certain solemnity to them, whether it’s duty to Wakanda and its throne or simply making up for past sins. They also have the ability, alas, to commiserate over their relationship woes. Hopefully, though, the movie doesn’t dive too far into that. We expect Infinity War to pass the Bechdel Test.

In the grand scheme of things, they probably don’t count as the most major characters — though we note Natasha does merit an appearance in the new Marvel Studios introduction — but they deserve some time to meet and fight together. We know Natasha’s in Wakanda thanks to the trailer.

Make it happen, Marvel.

Next: The future of the MCU: What happens after Infinity War

Who do you want to see team up in Infinity War?