Avengers: Infinity War: 5 team-ups we want to see

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Stills from Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok trailers. Images via Marvel/Disney.

Black Panther and Thor

This might seem like an odd pairing at first, but in reality, these two have a lot in common. Both have lost their fathers and now find themselves king of their respective realms. To provide them some slightly less sad methods of bonding, they both have younger siblings who play big roles in the MCU.

Granted, Loki and Shuri don’t have a lot in common aside from wicked senses of humor, and their relationships with their big brothers are quite different. Still, there’s something to be said about sharing the responsibilities of big brotherhood (and complaining about your younger siblings).

On top of that, the heart-shaped herb and its ability to send those who ingest it to the astral plane definitely means T’Challa knows a little bit about some of the weirder parts of Midgard. This could definitely help Thor, who might be worried about what to do when it comes to building a new Asgard. That’s probably not going to be Thor’s first priority in Infinity War, but it certainly could be something that pops up later on.

On top of that, though, T’Challa pairs well with characters who are funnier than he is, and Thor definitely fits that bill. They could play off of each other easily, and it’d be ridiculously fun to see them fight together.

One has to wonder if Thor could supercharge T’Challa’s suit with a little thunder and lightning and then let T’Challa fire that blast off to do some crowd control in a fight scene.

(Maybe Shuri has to work on an upgrade for that first.)