4 Harry Potter Butterbeer Pie recipes to celebrate Pi day


 Its Pi day, the day of 3.14159…, an excellent opportunity to make some Harry Potter Butterbeer Pie.

Its March 14th, the 3rd month of the year and the 14th day of the third month or as we all like to call it, Pi Day. The annual celebration to celebrate the mathematical constant π, or 3.14159……..

Pi has many different uses in mathematics, the most common being how to calculate the area or a circumference of a circle. You know what is shaped like a circle, pie. Ok so that was a poor Pi joke/reference but it does lead me to my next point.

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That the yearly celebration of Pi is a perfect excuse to go ahead and make some Harry Potter Butterbeer Pie.

I went out and did some research on the how to make a Butterbeer pie and there is no shortage of recipes out there, a lot of them claiming to be the best. But I have managed to narrow it down and here are 4 Butterbeer Pie recipes that you can try out for Pi day.

1: Fizzing Butterbeer Pie

Put together by Chris Taylor and the American Pie Council. The Fizzing Butterbeer Pie caught my attention straight because of the detail that has clearly gone into this pie. Decorated with little Lightning Bolts on the top it is even filled with popping candy!!!!

Described as; ‘a slice of whimsical pill that will transport you to Hogsmeade’ you would not be disappointed with this pie.

You can get the full recipe and instructions for the Fizzing Butterbeer Pie here.

2: Butterbeer Pie

Created by Confession of a Cook Book Queen, this Butterbeer pie is a simple and easy recipe to complete. A very sweet and tasty creamy pie it tastes just like Butterbeer itself and if Harry, Ron or Hermione where around they would give it the seal of Harry Potter approval.

You can get the full recipe and instructions for the Butterbeer Pie here.

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3: Butterbeer Pie by Kristen Ashley

The recipe with the least amount of ingredients needed, the Butterbeer Pie by Kristen Ashley is perfect for anyone with limited time or who wants to whip up something fast.

You can get the full recipe and instructions for the Butterbeer Pie by Kristen Ashley right here.

4: Butterbeer Pie that Harry himself would make

Put together by Delish, this Butterbeer pie looks exactly like that, Delish. It’s up there with the higher quality standard of pie and it gets an A for looking so damn good as well.

What makes this one stand the most, however, is it comes with an instruction video showing how to make it, and that is sometimes much better than reading and following a recipe.

You can get the full recipe and instructions for the Butterbeer Pie that Harry himself would make right here.

Next: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child experience a severe case of Nox!

Will you be making a Butterpie tonight? If you are which of the recipes will you use or do you have your own unique recipe? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.

And once again, Happy Pi Day everyone!!!