5 self-help books that won’t make you roll your eyes

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Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business by Romi Neustadt

For the business-minded among us, Get Over Your Damn Self: The No-BS Blueprint to Building a Life-Changing Business has the opportunity to be life-changing.

Author Romi Neustadt was a lawyer and then a public relations executive for a corporation, so she knows what she’s talking about, and she doesn’t try to water it down a bit. She built her own 7-figure business in three years and wants to help you do the same thing.

The book summary describes it as offering “the same direct, no-BS coaching she’s given to tens of thousands to help you acquire the skills to build this sucker and teach your team to do the same.”

Additionally, the book will help you “work on your mindset so you stop over complicating it all and stop letting the negative voices in your head win.”

This small press self-help book was the Nonfiction Authors Association Gold Award Winner and a Foreword Indies Book of the Year Finalist in 2016.

You can pick up a copy for yourself on Amazon, and you can find more about Romi and her experience on her website. It has a high rating from reviewers all over the internet, and you could be the next one!

“Hours after you put this down, you’ll still be laughing at phrases like ‘weak sauce’ and ‘funnel constipation’ and there won’t be enough sticky notes in your stack to mark all the brilliant advice, and perfect phrasing that will put your business in overdrive,” one reviewer on Amazon writes.