Barack and Michelle Obama are in talks to produce their own inspirational and uplifting shows for Netflix.
Netflix might be having a bit of a quality over quantity problem — ahem, 700 original shows. Is that really necessary? But out of that quantity, some presidential quality could be on the horizon.
Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama are in talks to produce their own shows for Netflix. That’s right, “shows.” Not just one show, but maybe two or even three shows.
As much as we’d love a Keeping Up with the Obamas kind of show (minus all the Kardashian-type drama, there’s enough of that in the White House already), the two have a slight idea of what they want to produce.
According to The New York Times, the Obamas would like to produce stories that have an inspirational angle to it. To keep things civil, they would not use the show as a platform to criticize President Trump or other conservatives.
Eric Schultz, a senior adviser to President Obama, told the The New York Times the Obamas’ vision behind creating the shows:
"President and Mrs. Obama have always believed in the power of storytelling to inspire. Throughout their lives, they have lifted up stories of people whose efforts to make a difference are quietly changing the world for the better. As they consider their future personal plans, they continue to explore new ways to help others tell and share their stories."
While not much more is known about the project, it makes us wonder if daughter Malia Obama will have a stint at helping produce the shows. The eldest Obama sibling has had TV and movie internships working with Lena Dunham, Hallee Berry, and (granted, before everything blew up later that year) The Weinstein Co.
Although it’d be great for Malia to begin a professional career in media by working with her parents, she may not have the time. She’ll be busy being a scholar, having just begun her first year of college at Harvard.
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The New York Times also noted that both Amazon Prime and Apple, a new competitor to the streaming service game, have been eyeing the Obamas’ project for their services as well. There is no release date for the series just yet.