Do you think you can catch this Snitch? [Video]


Anyone who thinks Quidditch is not a real sport and is for a bunch of softies should think again.

I keep my fingers crossed that one day Quidditch will become a real sport. I honestly hope that someone, somewhere, is investing heavily in making the sport as real as it is in Harry Potter. Until then, we will have to make do with the version of Quidditch we have.

Quidditch, or Muggle Quidditch as it is sometimes known, is a sport that is growing fast around the world. Based on J.K. Rowlings Quidditch in the Harry Potter novels, there are a total of seven players on each side.

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Mounted on brooms (non-flyable) the two teams face off on a hockey rink-sized pitch. You have Chasers, Beaters, Keepers and Seekers. The quaffle is played with a volleyball, bludgers are dodgeballs and the snitch is a tennis ball.

Chasers try to get the quaffle through the other team’s hoops. Opposing chasers and keepers are able to stop this by tackling the opposing team’s chasers and keeper. Beaters through dodgeballs at opposing players and if struck, a player must dismount, drop any of the balls they hold and return and touch their hoops before being able to continue play.

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When it comes to the snitch another player, who is impartial, carries the snitch inside a long sock. The player then evades the seekers as best as possible and just like Quidditch, if the snitch is caught the game comes to an end.

Variations in how the game is played may occur from place to place. Some use a yellow flag as the Snitch rather than a tennis ball in a sock. The game, however, is undeniably expanding and becoming more popular.

It is far from a tame sport either. With chasers and keepers being able to tackle one another and beaters throwing bludgers as well, the sport can get physical. And if you ever did need proof of that, check out the video below of a couple of seekers trying to catch this tricky Snitch.

Next: Quidditch came to Wichita Falls and it’s just as good as you’d expect

What did you think? Did you realise how physical the game of Quidditch could be? Did you even realize that there was a thing as Muggle Quidditch? Leva a comment below with your thoughts.