Project Runway All Stars season 6 episode 8 recap: Mizrahi’s a colorful muse

With a kaleidoscope of colors to inspire their designs, did Project Runway All Stars episode 8 finally see a spark of inspiration?

When a fashion show has a burst of bright, bold colors, the event instantly seems more spectacular. A runway filled with little black dresses can be monotonous and potentially boring. In this week’s Project Runway All Stars, the designers had to incorporate bright, bold colors into a party look.

Throughout this season, Project Runway All Stars has found inspiration from many different sources. This week the inspiration came from a fashion icon — and Project Runway All Stars judge — Isaac Mizrahi. The fashion juggernaut is known for his bright, statement colors. From lavish gowns to sophisticated party dresses, the color palette often incorporates a kaleidoscope of colors.

While Mizrahi was the inspiration behind this week’s challenge, the designers didn’t have free reign on the direction. Mizrahi personally chose the primary color of each designer’s look. Additionally, each designer had to choose a complementary color to incorporate into the party look.

Looking at Mizrahi’s color choices for each designer, the colors didn’t seem to give one designer an advantage or disadvantage. Since each color story had a wide range of hues, the designers had the ability to interpret their color story as they wished.

Even with this flexibility only one designer truly made a color statement on the runway. Stanley’s party dress was hands down the best look on the runway. His bold color combination of pink and blue was sophisticated yet playful. That combination needed a deft hand, and Stanley achieved that balance.

Project Runway All Stars episode 8 recap: Mizrahi’s colorful muse, photo from Lifetime

Stanley’s attention to detail on this look was impeccable. The built in structure added an elegant shape to a look that needed a slight amount of drama. The additional volume to the skirt made his model’s waist appear super tiny. Also, that shape balanced the asymmetrical top.

This look would be perfect at any spring or summer party. The bright colors popped without appearing too youthful. There was an elegance to the whole look. Stanley easily won the challenge.

Unfortunately, the other looks were almost tortured or a rainbow nightmare. The two bottom looks came from Anthony and Merline. While everyone expects Merline to be in the bottom (isn’t she always in the bottom?), Anthony’s placement was surprising. Could this week finally be the challenge that sent Merline home?

Anthony had to use yellow as his primary color. While yellow has been a trending red carpet color, the color itself can be a difficult one. Add to that situation the necessity of pairing it with another complementary color, and the design could go wrong.

Project Runway All Stars episode 8 recap: Mizrahi’s colorful muse, photo from Lifetime

The color pairing was bright, canary yellow with a lavender. Unfortunately, the lavender looked almost grey when placed next to the yellow. What should have been a good juxtaposition turned into a fashion don’t.

Beyond the color combination, Anthony’s fabric was absolutely tortured. Instead of seeing a lovely, fitted dress, the fabric was wrinkled, buckled and badly proportioned. When a tall, skinny model looks hefty, there is something wrong with the construction.

If this dress had fewer technical flaws, it could have been very pretty. A slightly different shade of lavender or purple could have made the lines really pop. Also, if the construction were better, the whole look would have been much improved. Overall, Anthony’s look was a disappointment.

This situation was sad because Anthony has done well in previous challenges. His other colorful looks were a breath of fresh air on a runway filled with dark, dreary colors. Has Anthony lost his mojo?

The other bottom look was Merline’s. Throughout the season, Merline has consistently done one type of look: a dress with geometric details additions. Her looks are repetitive and often poorly constructed. Merline made a garment like the last ones, except this time it was a skirt and top.

Project Runway All Stars episode 8 recap: Mizrahi’s colorful muse, photo from Lifetime

Merline’s color choice wasn’t a good one. The blue with the yellow/gold looked like a cheerleader outfit color combination. The two colors didn’t complement each other in a good way. Instead of being cheerful, it was sad.

More concerning was the design itself. Looking at this outfit, it appeared like a bunch of folded tissues stuck to the front of the design. It was as if the model needed a napkin bib to avoid spilling on herself. The old adage is look in the mirror and take something off. This outfit should have taken everything off and started over.

After many weeks of waiting and hoping, Merline finally was eliminated from Project Runway All Stars. It seemed like the judges were just keeping her around for a week when a favorite could potentially go home. Given Anthony’s sad dress, Merline’s confusing blue napkin dress saved Anthony from a dismal fate.

The biggest disappointment in this episode was that the designers, except for Stanley, didn’t embrace the color story. This runway could have been bold and exciting. Looking at a Mizrahi collection, the outfits bring joy and happiness through the color story. In this episode, the majority of designs just seemed depressed.

Going into this challenge, I would have thought that Joshua would have gone big. After last week’s catty runway back-talk, he should have tried to prove himself. His look was just okay and landed him in the middle. If he is so bold with his commentary, why can’t that attitude come across in his designs?

Of course, no designer wanted to be accused of a tacky color palette. Still, the designers seemed to play it safe on the runway. Safe is getting boring. No one wants fashion to be boring.

Next: Porject Runway All Stars: Otherworldly designs

As this Project Runway All Stars nears its end, I wonder if this entire season will be one to forget. Where’s the runway drama that fans have come to expect?