38 Quick sharp facts about Ron Weasley


How well do you know Ronald Weasley?

Here you go. 38 Quick sharp facts about Ron Weasley. Die-hard Harry Potter fans are going to know them all, average day Harry Potter fans will know a few and those who have never touched a Harry Potter book or seen a single movie will know nothing.

Enjoy the facts and if you think anything is out of place or incorrect then shoot us a message and let us know. You never know we might have been under the effects of the Confundus Charm at the time of writing.

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38 Quick sharp facts about Ron Weasley


Ronald’s full name is Ronald Billius Weasley.


Ron had two wands. His very first was a hand-me-down from his brother Charlie. It was a twelve inch, ash wood wand with a unicorn tail hair core. Ron’s second wand was a fourteen inch, willow and unicorn tail hair wand from Ollivanders.


When Ron performs the Patronus charm his Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier. A small but fierce dog.


Ron is a bit of a sporty guy. He excels at both Wizard chess and is a decent Quidditch goalkeeper. Ok, maybe a sporty guy is a bit of a stretch.


The Quidditch team, the Chudley Cannons is the Quidditch team that Ron supports.


He is classed as a pureblood Wizard. Not that it is really something to brag about.


During Rons first year at Hogwarts, he saved Harry and Hermione from a troll by using the spell Wingardium Leviosa. Knocking the troll out with his very own club.


Ron is known for eating a tremendous amount of food in one go. He would routinely eat multiple helpings every Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner while at Hogwarts.


Thanks to his brother Fred. Ron suffers from arachnophobia. Fred turned his teddy bear into a giant spider when he was little. Permanently making him afraid of spiders.


Ron had a pet rat called Scabbers. Another hand me down, Scabbers was giving to Ron from his brother Percy.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures


That pet rat turned out to be Peter Pettigrew. The Wizard who was responsible for James and Lily Potter dying at the hands of Voldemort. He also framed Sirius Balck for mass murder. Pretty certain Ron would have had therapy for all of this at some point in his life.


Ron Weasley is a redhead, not a ginger. Although there is an argument to say that a redhead is a type of ginger, It doesn’t matter. Ron is a redhead. He also has blue eyes.


Ron became the Gryffindor Quidditch goalkeeper in his fifth year at Hogwarts.


Ron has two children with Hermione. Hugo and Rose Granger-Weasley.


The eldest child and son of Harry and Ginny, James Sirius Potter, is the godson of Ron.


During Hogwarts, Ron had the habit of skipping a few classes. It has been said that he routinely skipped at least one class per month.


It’s well known that Ron was jealous of Viktor Krum when he dated Hermione. So jealous that even after they were no longer together, Ron attempted to hide the letters that Krum had sent to her. Hermione got them back because she threatened to feed him the food she cooked up herself.


When Ron decided to pop the big question to Hermione they were both fighting at the time. Hermione immediately said yes but held off being happy about it until the fight had passed.


He shares a birthday with Supernatural actor Jensen Ackles, and probably with a whole bunch of other people as well.


Ron couldn’t believe that Hermione’s hair could be that frizzy. He would regularly ask her if it was real because of this.

Image courtesy of Warner Brothers


He is the second youngest and the youngest boy of the Weasley siblings. Ron has five older brothers and one younger sister. Every one of them has the trademark Weasley hair.


Growing up, Ron lived in The Burrow. Located on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England. After the death of Dumbledore, the Burrow became the official Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.


When Harry and Ron first met it was just as they were about to pass through the hidden entrance to Platform 9 ¾ to board the Hogwarts Express.


When Ron looks into the Mirror of Erised, he sees himself. Standing completely alone, as Head Boy and Quidditch captain. The most successful of the Weasley siblings but most importantly, as his own person and not defined by who came before him.


Ron became Gryffindor Prefect in his fifth year along with Hermione.


When Ron became Prefect he received his very own broom from his parents. Not a hand-me-down one either. It was a Cleansweep elven.


You can be forgiven for making this easy mistake but Ron was not the first friend that Harry ever made. Ron was his second friend. Hagrid was the first.


Ron has a huge collection of Chocolate Frog Cards. Amassing to over 500 it shouldn’t be surprising for you to hear that Chocolate Frogs are also his favourite sweets.


When Ron learned that both Harry and Hermione had never heard of the children stories by Beedle the Bard he was initially shocked. Hermione explained the Muggle stories they grew up with. When he heard of Cinderella Ron thought it was a disease of some sort.


Draco Malfoy and Ron are related. If you trace their lineage they are third cousins. It is not fully known if they know of this.

Photo Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures/Harry Potter


Every Christmas Mrs Weasley sends Ron a handmade, maroon colored jumper as a present.


Ron hates the color maroon.


He also hates corned beef sandwiches.


It wasn’t until the very end of his third year at Hogwarts that Ron got his very first pet. An owl from Sirius called Pigwidgeon.


For a short while, Ron was an Auror at the Ministry of Magic. He later deiced to work with his brother George at the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.


Ron was born on March 1st, 1980. This was amidst the first great wizarding war. At the height of Voldemort’s reign.


Ron may not have had the life he has had after the second wizarding war. J.K. Rowling once said in an interview that she contemplated killing off Ron in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


The full extension of Ron’ family includes. Uncle to Harry and Ginny’s children, James, Albus and Lily. Uncle to Bill and Fleur Delacour’s three children, Victoire, Dominique and Louis. Uncle to Fred and Roxanne, George and Angelina’s two children and Uncle to Molly and Lucy, Percy and his wife Audrey’s two daughters. A grand total of four nephews and six nieces. His brother Charlie did not marry or have children.

Next: 9 Harry Potter facts about Bonnie Wright/Ginny Weasley you might not have known.

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