Vance Joy Praises Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift’s touring partner and friend Vance Joy praises the singer for standing up for herself during groping trial back in August of 2017. 

Vance Joy is known for his hit single “Riptide” and for also touring the world with Taylor Swift on her 1989 World Tour back in 2015. The two are an iconic duo and have always supported one and other and their respected careers. While the two aren’t touring together anymore, Joy still considers her a friend and has praised her for speaking up and applauds the bravery she displayed during her groping trial against DJ David Mueller back in August.

“When people stand up for what’s right it makes a huge impact on the world,” he said in an interview with The Fix. Swift won her trial back in August and Mueller had to pay her a symbolic dollar due to his loss. Since then, Swift has been named a Silence Breaker by TIME Magazine and has been a part of the #MeToo Movement. Joy, who has just released his second album has backed up the cause and says it’s making a huge difference. “The status quo is changing and I think people – especially guys – are waking up,” he says.

Joy and Swift have not kept in contact but they still consider themselves huge supporters of one another, and the most certainly shows. We sure hope they meet up soon and perhaps collaborate? We can only hope. Until then, we’re thankful we have some 1989 World Tour videos to look back on and reminisce that magical time.