Did you know Harry Potter Yoga is a thing?


I certainly didn’t but it looks awesome!!!

Harry Potter has managed to get into everything. No matter what you are into you can probably find a Harry Potter version of it somewhere and that includes Harry Potter Yoga. Run by Sisters, Isabel Beltran and Ximena Larkin, in Austin Texas they run the yoga group called “Pints and Poses” in a brewery of all places called “Circle Brewing Co”.

The Yoga classes have certainly been popular from the moment they first started up with the magical yoga sessions selling out pretty quick.

More from Harry Potter

Snippets of the Harry Potter books are read during the class!!!

And you can see why. The “Magical Creatures” and “Deathly Hallows” themed classes sold out almost as soon as they opened and considering you get your very own wand to use in poses such as; the Slytherin Cobra, Downward Fluffy and Reverse Wizard, it makes the entire Yoga experience much more fun.



Snippets of the Harry Potter books were also read out during the session and you were encouraged to wear your Harry Potter merch to class. And to top it all off, a spread of Harry Potter themed food and drink awaited everyone after the class.

This awesome and bizarre blend of Yoga, a Brewery and Harry Potter might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is something that connected with a lot of people.

Would you go to a Yoga class like this? Do you want your own Yoga class to run a Harry Potter Yoga sesh? Leave a comment below with your thoughts.