Harry Potter origin movies?


Since everyone else is doing it, can we eventually see a mass influx of Harry Potter origin movies?

Star Wars is doing it, Marvel is definitely doing it and DC are attempting/failing to do it. A lot of movie franchises are expanding their worlds/universe with origin based movies. There is even a high demand for TV shows to do it, Game of Thrones being the most vocal. So will Harry Potter ever do it?

Now before we get into it, yes, the Fantastic Beasts movies are technically origin stories but they are only a very, very small drop, in an otherwise massive origin story pool of potential.

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What Harry Potter origin movies could we have?

The most obvious is a Voldemort origin tale for all of us Dark Lord lovers out there. The demand is actually so high for doing a Voldemort origin that some fans have even made fan-made movies and put them up on YouTube, and they are not that bad.

But Voldemort is again, just one small drop in our big pool of origin. We can have a Sirius Black origin tale which could easily lead to the James Potter origin story, the Remus Lupin origin story etc. Again though, just a small drop. Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Dumbledores youth, the Longbottoms there is so much potential out there for origin-based movies.

They don’t even have to be movies.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which is set after the Harry Potter series, is a stage performance. I would happily accept origin based stories in theatre if they decided that was the way forward. They would just have to release the book to go along with it.

(Photo by Rob Stothard/Getty Images)

Would J.K. Rowling be on board for doing something like this? That is the big question that could potentially go unanswered. She has certainly remained very loyal to the Harry Potter name and has continued developing and expanding the story since the end of the Harry Potter series but that is no indication if she would ever go down the path of origin tales.

Personally, I hope it will happen. That Rowling will, either in novel, movie or theatre form origin tales. If it is not meant to be then that is ok as well. Rowling has created the world so well that we don’t need everything explained to us like other franchises, but it would be nice if it happened.

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Next: Traveling in the Harry Potter universe: What's the best way to go?

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