Who had the best Hogwarts pet, Harry, Ron, Hermione or Neville?


Hedwig, Crookshanks, Scabbers or Trevor, who was the best Hogwarts pet?

After you receive your Hogwarts acceptance letter, still waiting for mine by the way, you need to get down to Diagon Alley and get a whole load of stuff. Robes, books, quills, ink bottles, potion ingredients and more, it’s all on your list, but one thing you can get which is optional at Hogwarts is a Hogwarts pet.

But which one? An owl, cat, rat or toad is your choice and the obvious choice is an owl. They are certainly the most popular and most useful amongst Witches and Wizards but are they the best?

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Thankfully, at least one person in Gryffindor had one of these pets. Harry had Hedwig, Ron had Scabbers, Hermione had Crookshanks and Neville had Trevor. So let’s take a look at each of them and figure who had the best Hogwarts pet so you know which one is the best to get.

Ron and Scabbers

Now, before anyone says anything. Yes, I am aware that Scabbers was technically not a rat. That Scabbers was actually Peter Pettigrew. So because of that Ron is instantly disqualified as having the best Hogwarts pet.

However, let’s assume he was an actual magical rat. First of all, Ron would win the award for having the least popular Hogwarts pet as toads are a more common pets than rats in the magical world. The rat, however, is an actual useful pet. They are not weak-willed in any way like Peter Pettigrew was and are intelligent creatures that are able to supposedly do a Witch or Wizards bidding.

But, they are the least popular and Ron did actually have a Hogwarts pet so is disqualified and the rat is award the worst Hogwarts pet.

Hermione and Crookshanks

You will remember that Hermione didn’t start off with Crookshanks the cat. She got him in her third year in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. That was actually a bit of a surprise considering the mixup with Polyjuice potion and the cat hair in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

But Hermione got a cat anyway and was lumbered with Crookshanks of all cats. An actual magical pet, unlike Rons, that proved to be exceptionally intelligent and useful and was even able to tell that Scabbers was no Rat and that Sirius the dog was no dog.

But despite how magical and intelligent she was, Crookshanks was a pretty useless pet. Crookshanks would barely listen to Hermione and anyone else who tried had no hope of getting her to do anything. She would just do her own thing and cause more trouble than good.

As a magical creature Crookshanks was one of the most intelligent, but as a Hogwarts pet, she was a pain.

Crookshanks is therefore awarded the second to worst Hogwarts pet.

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Harry and Hedwig

Harry got Hedwig just before he went to Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. A birthday gift from Hagrid we all know how things ended for our beloved Hedwig, and just thinking about it can still bring a tear to my eye, even today.

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Pottermore tells us everything that we need to know about Owls. They have a long history with magic and have always been the most popular creature and companion for a Witch and Wizard. Easily the wisest and most intelligent creatures having an Owl as a Hogwarts pet is a wise decision.

But, and this is where all of the Harry Potter fandom will rise up and revolt against me, Hedwig really wasn’t the best pet. Yes, he was useful and loyal but he could also be extremely difficult, especially when he was upset.

Hedwig is, therefore, the second best Hogwarts pet.

Neville and Trevor

Oh yes, I am going there. Neville has the best Hogwarts pet.

Toads have always had their uses. Granted those users were to act as ingredients for potions but they still had their uses. But, the reason Trevor was the best Hogwarts pet was because he was the most pet like. Trevor was easy to manage and handle. He didn’t go in a huff with you when he was upset. Nor did he ignore you because he was smarter than you and he defiantly did not turn into a person. The only thing you needed to worry about was losing him and if that happened you just had to whip out your wand and yelled Accio!!!

Trevor was the best Hogwarts pet.

Next: 9 Harry Potter facts about Ginny you might not have known.

Look I would still get an Owl. Hands down they are the most useful magical creature but an Owl is not a pet. It is a companion and that is something different entirely.

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