Taylor Swift is known for writing a really great song, and a song that is relatable. She’s done so with many hits, including a track from Fearless entitled ‘You’re Not Sorry”.
It’s a track that is extremely underrated by the general public but Swifties seem to appreciate it nonetheless. After all, you did vote for it to be our Song of the Week. Swift wrote the track about an ex that was different than he appeared to be, but the beautiful thing about the storyline in the song is that you, the listener can relate it to any given situation. Whether it’s about an ex or a friend, it’s relatable.

Swift describes that track as one being at a breaking point emotionally. The circumstances led to her walking away, and not accepting his apologies anymore. Within the mess of the breakup, “You’re Not Sorry” was written. The Fearless track peaked at No.11 on the Billboard Hot 100 and has been certified platinum by the RIAA.

You can sense the raw emotion in Swift’s voice throughout the track, showcasing her songwriting abilities. While the song was released in 2008, it’s still as relatable today as it was then. So, if you’re dealing with loss or having to walk away from a situation, take a listen to “You’re Not Sorry”. It’s perfect for your situation, and you won’t regret it.
Is “You’re Not Sorry” your favorite track from Fearless? Do you have a “You’re Not Sorry” story? Share it with us in the comment section below. We can’t wait to hear from you.