Crazy Ex-Girlfriend recap and review: Nathaniel is Irrelevant

In Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s third season finale, Rebecca finds herself in a bit of a crush. With the return of old foes and confessing, she’s pretty screwed.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend had its season finale and let us just tell you, Rebecca is in pretty deep. After trying to get rid of Trent and ruining whatever relationship she had with Nathaniel, she’s pretty much alone. Or she is? At least, after she gives all of her friends lists of all the things she does.

And that comes back to bite her when Trent comes back for her and Paula refuses to answer her phone calls. From there, everything only escalates. But not just for Rebecca! Heather goes into labor and Darryl and White Josh are reunited but really, that is very secondary to everything going on.

Basically, Trent wants Rebecca to suffer so what does he do? He attempts to murder Nathaniel. Or at least, that’s what we think. He is standing behind him with a knife over Nathaniel’s back and Rebecca shoves him off the roof to try and save Nathaniel.

The problem? Everyone thinks he was just the turkey carver and the messages that Trent sent to Rebecca vanished on Instagram. So basically, she has no proof and just has to pray someone believes her.

Lucky for her, Nathaniel does believe her and wants to be plead insanity but she refuses because she wants to prove to Paula that she’s trying to change.

So what will happen to Rebecca Bunch? Will she go to jail? We’ll have to wait and see when the next season comes around.

And we hope that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend gets a season 4!  Because really, who doesn’t want more Rebecca Bunch?

Next: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend recap and review: Trent!?

Check back on Culturess for more Crazy Ex-Girlfriend news when there are announcements. We hope that the show gets a season 4! It’s incredible.