Harry Potter and Valentine’s Day: My favorite couple in the HP series


When it comes to the Harry Potter series, Valentine’s Day really isn’t that important. But we’re talking the best couple in the series and that’s Harmony.

Harry Potter and Hermione Granger never ended up together in the series. But that doesn’t mean they’re not my favorite couple. In fact, J.K Rowling herself said that they could have easily been together.

Which makes them the Valentine’s Day couple I want to focus on. Why? Because I just think that their relationship with each other is amazing. The two of them support each other no matter what and want the best for the other one.

Whether it is succeeding in school or taking on Lord Voldemort himself they’re just there for one another and want to make sure that they’re protected. Maybe it’s because they’ve been through so much together but I just feel like they have a stronger relationship together.

No matter what, they were there for each other. Even when Ron and Harry were fighting during Goblet of Fire, Hermione was at Harry’s side. So yes, that can be because they’re friends but I also think there’s a part of their relationship that is something more.

But then again, I just love the idea of Hermione and Harry together. I think they’re a great fit and that their relationship could have been so much stronger if they were actually dating. So granted, we’ll never know, there is a part of me that is always going to wonder what could have been.

Or maybe they’ll use that time turner from Cursed Child and go back and end up together.

Next: The saddest line in the Harry Potter series might not be what you thought

Who is your favorite couple in the Harry Potter series? Sound off in the comments below and let us know your favorite.