VOTE: What is Your Favorite Taylor Swift Valentines Day Song?

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Valentines Day is coming up and there is no better way to celebrate than to listen to some of your favorite Taylor Swift love songs. We have our favorites. What are yours? 

There is nothing like listening to a bunch of love songs on Valentines Day, especially Taylor Swift songs. We know she has a large discography and a lot of her songs entail love in some form. We love songs like ‘Love Story” and “Enchanted” or the real-life story of “Mine” or the song from the movie Valentine’s Day “Today Was A Fairytale”. Perhaps it isn’t a song from her earlier works but from her latest work reputation. Is it “Call It What You Want”? “King of My Heart”?

Every song is great and we definitely have our favorite ones we listen to every February 14th. But this isn’t about our favorite songs, it’s about yours. What are some of your favorite Taylor songs to listen to on the Hallmark holiday? Do you have a playlist of songs that you listen to? What is your ultimate date song that Taylor has written? We want to hear from you. Vote in the poll below and let us know what your favorites are and give us your reason by sounding off in the comments below.

Favorite Taylor Swift Valentines Day Song?

The songs in the top 5 will be on our Taylor Swift Valentines Day playlist that will be posted on Monday, February 11. We can’t wait to see which songs make it, and which ones don’t. Check back here on Monday for the results.