The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story needs a new name

The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story should maybe not even reference Gianni Versace, since the show is more about Andrew Cunanan.

Every week, it seems that The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story gets further and further away from the designer. Last week, we saw as Andrew Cunanan met Marilyn and Lee. This week, it’s David. So what does this have to do with actual Versace? Very little.

Unlike the first season of American Crime Story, the show focuses its energy this season on Andrew and his motives over the actual crime. A move that I don’t particularly love. But it is introducing us to amazing characters like Marilyn and David.

Basically, we’re seeing all the men that Andrew Cunanan killed before shooting Versace and then killing himself. Should the show maybe have started with his first kill and kept us in suspense until finally reaching the assassination? Yes. That way we at least were waiting for something.

Now, we’re just living in this insane world where we don’t know if any of it is true or not since Andrew Cunanan is an unreliable narrator. So basically the entire show is a big shrugging emoji because very little of it is the world we were (seemingly) promised in the promotions.

Would I love to see more of Donatella or more of Gianni? Of course. We barely know anything of his relationship with Antonio or the creation of his empire. And yet we’re supposed to feel for his death at the hands of Cunanan.

So maybe the show needs to take a step away from a murderer and focus on the victim? Who knows, but we’ll just have to wait and see what happens next week.

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Check back here on Culturess for more news and recaps on The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story as it comes out.