Black Lightning: 3 burning questions we have after episode 4, Black Jesus

In Black Lightning’s latest episode, a new drug hit the streets, and Khalil’s fate was sealed. So, here are our 3 biggest questions still lingering after “Black Jesus.”

In the latest episode of Black Lightning, we dove deeper into the 100’s infrastructure. From Lady Eve repeatedly mentioning other leaders to manufacturing drugs that make users really violent, I appreciate Tobias’ commitment to ruling Freeland. The first three episodes gave us a villain who appeared to be really one-note. However, it seems like Black Lightning‘s greatest strength will the slow burn.

As long as the show keeps the writing really consistent (which I’m sure it will), the pay off will probably be really great this season. In “Black Jesus,” Tobias planned (with an assist from his sister) to prove his usefulness by turning the people against Black Lightning as opposed to fighting him directly. By the end of the episode, Tobias turned all his attention to Khalil, who we officially learned won’t be able to walk again. To ease the blow of his ruined athletic career, Tobias bought him gifts and agreed to pay his hospital bills before showing up in person to remind Khalil how he ended up in the hospital.

Likewise, the Green Light drug storyline felt really derivative at the beginning. It began as a Thrill-like drug, then quickly elevated the conversation in “Black Jesus.” Instead of Black Lightning and the war on drugs, Green Light put the focus on Jefferson Pierce again. When one of the students developed a dependency on Green Light and went on a violent spree, it’s Jefferson who fought the school board to let Bernard stay in school and Jefferson who diligently reminded him about the importance of education and self-worth, not Black Lightning.

In an episode that shined a special spotlight on the importance of teachers (and coaches), Black Lightning continuously reminds us that Jefferson’s role as a principal still has more impact than his role as a vigilante.

Though “Black Jesus” delivered another great episode of Black Lightning, here are three questions we still have.

Black Lightning — “Black Jesus” — Image BLK104b_0351rb.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Jill Scott as Lady Eve and Marvin “Krondon” Jones III as Tobias — Photo: Carin Baer/The CW — © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

1. What is Ghambi hiding?

In previous episodes, he deleted footage. This week, he investigated the presence of metahumans without Black Lightning’s knowledge. He was so adamant that Black Lightning return, so why does he keep secrets? I mean, what kind of “contacts” does a tailor have anyway? Who is Peter Gambi really?

Well, I guess if we go off this database…

2. What happened in Black Lightning v. Tobias Round 1?

Thanks to Lady Eve, I’m under the impression that Freeland remained pretty quiet after Black Lightning “died.” Jefferson also suggested that the 100 had to be the drug suppliers, as if drugs weren’t really an issue prior to the resurgence. So, where does Tobias’ villain origin story begin? Why does he need his sister for help? Who does Lady Eve answer to?

3. When will Jennifer get a dope storyline?

I’m not asking for China McClain to sing or dance, but most of her story so far revolves around dudes. In the first episode alone, her involvement with the 100 gang member led to a shootout in the club, her kidnapping and subsequent near-trafficking incident at the motel. Then, following Khalil’s tragic incident, she quit track in order to support him more.

Like, girl, come on. Obviously, she pays really close to attention to what’s happening in her community. So, I’m looking forward to seeing her grow a little more independent. Hopefully, soon.

Related Story: Black Lightning episode 3 recap and review

Black Lightning airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW. Don’t forget to check back after each episode airs for our weekly recap and reviews right here on Culturess.