Man Crush Monday: David Harbour is keeping it clean

Man Crush Monday is usually a hard fought battle between good-looking men but not this week. Why? Because David Harbour in those Tide ads is clearly the winner.

You’d think that after the Super Bowl, our Man Crush Monday would be one of the football players. And sure, they’re pretty, but that’s not who we’re going to talk about. We’re focusing our time and energy on the Tide ads that ruled the commercial breaks.

David Harbour, probably better known as the dancing Jim Hopper from Stranger Things, is the new spokesperson for Tide. The problem? The commercials tackled every type of commercial and forced us to watch as David Harbour destroyed look after look in a good way, though.

From a Matthew McConaughey-like car commercial to including the hot man from the Old Spice ads, these Tide commercials took over, and now it is everything we wanted and more. It helps that David Harbour is the dad of our dreams as well.

Basically, these commercials were the ones that everyone focused on. Granted, there weren’t too many spectacular ones this year. It was basically weird commercials with Vikings, movie trailers and teasers, and then David Harbour every commercial break.

So really, nothing to complain about. Because who doesn’t love a good teaser trailer for Avengers: Infinity War and then instantly seeing David Harbour selling us some laundry detergent? Now I know that we all love David and he’s our Man Crush Monday always, but that doesn’t change the fact that he might be the real winner of the Super Bowl.

Next: 15 Hollywood celebrities we still love

Today, Man Crush Monday is going to inspire us all to go out and do our laundry. David Harbour may not be there to encourage you to do it, but at least you’ll have all those commercials to keep you company.