Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD season 5 episode 10 recap and review: Past Life


With time running short, Agents of SHIELD splits up its characters and sends them on timely missions with a rendezvous point to take them back home

Welcome to Agents of SHIELD before its mini hiatus! Our SHIELD compatriots are so close to making it home to present day, but do they make it before we have to wait for another episode?

Not-So-Short Summary and Analysis

Of course the first thing Kasius sees upon the Zephyr landing is Sinara’s dead body. He’s definitely crazy, talking to her dead body and trying to figure out how to bring her back. Discussing a plan on how to take down SHIELD …  He ends up using his Kree angry juice on himself (not unlike the Kursed from Thor: The Dark World, but less bulky and rocky).

Oh and by the way, we called it on Kasius’s “seer:” It’s Elena! Kasius has been using her over the years for his experiments. It’s a weird conversation — and definitely not as good as young Charles Xavier meeting old Charles Xavier in Days of Future Past — but it’s still haunting. To hear they’re just stuck in the same loop over and over again.

She does give herself one thing: Not being able to change Coulson’s mind on decisions. The team makes one choice — to save Coulson — and it’s the wrong decision.

Because Coulson is dying. And it looks very much like Tony Stark’s issue in Iron Man 2. Is it from his hand? That Kree stuff Kasius has?

Meanwhile, while Elena learns all of this from Elena, Coulson shoots Daisy to bring her along (as she wanted to stay behind to help not destroy the world).

While Flint rebuilds the Monolith, Kasius goads Mack into a battle by slitting the disfigured, old Elena’s throat (which Mack thinks is the real one). We’re seeing the cycle begin again, and it hurts, because will it really change anything?

It seems to change: Simmons saves Mack from being beaten to death and Elena charges in to tell him it wasn’t her who died…

And the machine charges up before the whole team gets back to the rendezvous point, so who makes it back and who doesn’t? (Spoiler alert: from the previews, it looks like everyone makes it back.)

Post-Credits Stinger

Flint and Tess mull over their future and how to rebuild the world.

Badass Moment of the Week

Fitz beheading three Kree at once might be the highlight of the season (and proof that there’s still a bit of darkness in him from the Framework).

Best One-Liner

“Where has this been all my life?!” Deke says of the handgun.
”Level three, behind a wall cavity,” Enoch replies, taking Deke literally.

We do have a fun low-budget Iron Man suit moment when Flint flies through space in a fancy space helmet. The helmet itself looks similar to Vulture, but the inner machinations are very much Tony Stark’s Iron Man mask.

Also, Rest In Peace to Enoch, who sacrificed his battery to power the machine to power the Monolith. We’ll miss his deadpan for sure.

Next: Marvel Cinematic Universe: 5 superheroines that need Phase 4 movies

Agents of SHIELD takes a three-week hiatus, so no new episodes until March 2nd. But hey, at least we get Black Panther to tide us over!