The saddest line in the Harry Potter series might not be what you thought


The Harry Potter series is filled with sad lines of dialogue but the saddest may surprise you. At least, it is the saddest to me.

When it comes to sad dialogue, the Harry Potter series has us covered. Constantly we’re met with amazing words of wisdom, characters who tear at our heart strings, and quotes that we end up getting tattooed on our bodies.

So what do I think the saddest quote in the entire series is? “It’s just like waking up” which is said when Jacob is about to forget all about the magic he’s witnessed and the friends he’s made. Granted, there are a lot of quotes that are up for consideration, I think this is maybe the saddest because he doesn’t want to forget.

With Snape and Lily’s “always”, Snape said it knowing that he had always loved her and would always remember her. Yes, it is sad, but he knew what was happening. Jacob was going into the unknown, he was letting a part of his memory die against his will.

And everyone was trying to make him feel better about it despite the fact that they didn’t want him to go either. (Which is honestly why I think that end scene is there, just to prove how much they all loved him and wanted him to stay.)

Again, I think it is sad just because of the nature of that moment. It wasn’t someone revealing something about themselves, it wasn’t an inspiring quote, it was a friend trying to comfort someone as they were walking into the unknown.

Next: Thank you to the Harry Potter series for giving us Kenneth Branagh

I guess the closest would be when Harry uses the Resurrection Stone to see his family and loved ones again but even that was filled with inspiration. This scene? It was just there to break our hearts.