#ThingsNeverSaidInHarryPotter is trending all over the internet now and for good reason. The hashtag is hilarious and has us all thinking about what could have been.
Ever think about what would have been in the Harry Potter series? Well Twitter users did with the #ThingsNeverSaidInHarryPotter trending tag this weekend. Fans of the series shared their thoughts (both serious or joking) and it made us remember why we love the series.
Some of the best were the ones who made fun of the series. In a fun way though. We love Harry and his friends so when we tease the series, it isn’t mocking it but rather just showing our appreciation for it.
It was a peaceful school year and it passed uneventfully. #ThingsNeverSaidInHarryPotter @efoxband
— Cheryl Z (@FeralCherylZ) January 27, 2018
This one is pretty great because that’s the crux of the problem with the series. There’s always something happening. Isn’t there ever a year where nothing goes wrong? Everything works out and Harry and his friends just have to go to class?
— Edward J Thomas 🟧 (@UnknownWr1ter) January 27, 2018
Why are there 4 houses in Hogwarts when only 2 do anything?
I mean, fair. Hufflepuffs have some standing because of Cedric Diggory but other than that, there really isn’t too much that Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws do. Luna Lovegood is a great example of a Ravenclaw but we only really hear about the Gryffindors and the Slytherins.
'If he wanted him dead so bad, why didn't Voldemort just pick up baby Harry and sling him out the window? Or is that just not wizard enough?'
— moved. ♡ (@hobiwankinobhwi) January 27, 2018
And I mean, another one that’s fair. Voldemort just had to use a killing spell rather than, you know, a normal method of murdering. He wanted to be dramatic and it backfired on him.
“Together, we will MAKE HOGWARTS GREAT AGAIN,” said Dumbledore. #ThingsNeverSaidInHarryPotter
— Chris (@imchrisbrennan) January 27, 2018
Then there are ones like this because, you know, we can’t escape the politics. Even when it comes to Harry Potter jokes on a Twitter hashtag. But at the end of the day, this was just a fun series!
Next: Get ready, bottomless Butterbeer brunch is coming to New York City
Did you participate? What are some of your favorites from the hashtag challenge? Let us know in the comments below!