What if we used flying techniques to play Quidditch the way witches and wizards do?


Now we all love Quidditch, but many of us wish we could play it. So what if we could? Have you ever thought of trapeze and Quidditch together?

Quidditch is a favorite pastime of wizards. They play with their teams while at Hogwarts, watch the sport with their family and some even play at home. So as a fan of the Harry Potter series, we love the game just as much.

The problem is that we can’t play it. Or at least not to the extent that wizards can. Mainly because we don’t have magic balls or flying brooms. So we, as muggles, are stuck with a person running around pretending to be the snitch and the rest of us running with brooms between our legs.

But have you ever thought about having a Quidditch match where you are actually flying? I mean, hear me out, it isn’t going to be comfortable but at least it’ll be closer to actual Quidditch than a man dressed in gold running around that you have to try and catch.

Think about trapeze and how fun it would be to at least have the Keepers up on trapeze while you played. Especially if the rest of the players were on rigs so they could really fly around. Granted, it would be uncomfortable and there is still the whole situation about how there are no magical snitches lying around but still.

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I think it would be fun to at least try once. Just to see what it feels like to be on a flying broom, trying to score points. But honestly, it’d probably cost a lot of money and you also run the risk of falling to your death. So really, it’d be a lot like real Quidditch when you think about it.