Man Crush Monday is a time-honored tradition here at Culturess. And this week, the Dread Pirate Roberts is getting his due. That is, we’re talking Cary Elwes.
At the SAG Awards last night, there were many Man Crush Monday candidates. But you know who took the cake and became the one we were all looking for? Cary Elwes. Or maybe that’s just me … but if you were young when you first watched The Princess Bride, chances are that you had the hots for him.
This beautiful blond gentleman has consistently been on our radar, and last night, he randomly appeared at one of the tables. It was maybe the greatest thing to ever happen to me, second only to that commercial where he continually says “As you wish” like Westley.
Do I know why he was there? No, not at all. But I’m not complaining about it. He’s an incredible actor and a wonderful man, so he’s really someone we can throw our love and affection at without worry. Or maybe we’ll just do it because he’s a swash-buckling pirate that we’ve dreamt of since we were kids.
He’s also known as Robin Hood in Robin Hood: Men in Tights. Honestly, we still wish he was the man taking from the rich and giving to the poor! Even now, when he’s pretty much confined to that commercial harkening back to his days as Westley, I’ll still dub him a Man Crush Monday-worthy celebrity.
Next: 15 Hollywood celebrities we still love
Do you love Cary Elwes? Or have you never seen The Princess Bride? If so, buckle in for a treat and watch it tonight. If you don’t love him, you’ll definitely love Inigo Montoya so really, it is a win win situation no matter what you choose. We love Cary Elwes and hope he continues to randomly show up places because when he does, it is quite the treat.