Hulu’s third season of The Path dives headfirst into controversial topics

The first three episodes of The Path released on Hulu last week, and they’ve already raised a number of controversial subjects.

Hulu’s original series, The Path, returned for its third season on Jan. 17. Releasing three episodes right off the bat, the show wasted no time jumping into the action. Within the first 10 minutes, Eddie Lane (Aaron Paul) miraculously survives an explosion, saving a pregnant woman in the process.

As you can imagine, this opening scene is enough to convince his fellow Meyerists that he is, indeed, the “Chosen Son” of the movement. The incident cements his role as their leader, and it draws worldwide attention to the Meyerist Movement. Everyone suddenly has an opinion on the sect, whether they’re lining up to join or picketing in the streets.

Embracing the cult narrative

While any show centered around a religious cult is bound to spark some controversial discourse, creator Jessica Goldberg seems determined to take things up a notch this season. It’s no secret that the public always perceived Meyerism as a cult. But the backlash to the movement is magnified this season, and this time, some of the criticism is warranted.

Though Eddie’s intentions of spreading Meyerism to a larger audience stem from his desire to do good, his methods become increasingly corrupt as the episodes continue. His son, Hawk Lane (Kyle Allen), is the first to point this out. He tells his father that he’s becoming more like a cult leader through his efforts not to be one. There is some truth in his words.

The addition of Eddie’s publicist, Vera (Freida Pinto), doesn’t help his case. More concerned about the public perception of the movement than the morals it preaches, she frequently convinces Eddie to use questionable tactics to attain his goals. Whether they’re threatening those who smear their reputation, or recruiting college students with trendy campaigns, their behavior definitely crosses some ethical boundaries.

Tackling important issues

Extreme religious belief isn’t the only contentious topic The Path addresses in its first few episodes. The current political atmosphere of the nation also comes up several times. Hatred is a major theme this season, and The Path exquisitely captures the unease and distrust that has become so prevalent in modern-day America.

Cal’s (Hugh Dancy) abuse is another important subplot, though we’ve yet to see its ramifications fully unfold. The flashbacks of what happened to him as a child are bound to lead to further reflection on how sexual assault affects its victims, even years later. Though this is a delicate subject, it’s one that deserves more attention in the media.

Introducing new questions

While the new season of The Path certainly has a lot to say about important issues, it’s also raised a lot of questions regarding the direction of the plot. For one, Vera and her mother are up to something — and it seems to depend heavily on Eddie’s success as a Meyerist leader. What their ultimate aim is, however, remains a mystery.

There’s also the question of Sarah’s and Cal’s roles in the Meyerist Movement. Both of them once held considerable positions of power, and they were reluctant to give them up. It seems inevitable that one or both of them will challenge Eddie’s dominion at some point. And given Eddie’s dubious choices, fans have to wonder whether they’ll succeed in deposing him.

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We’ll have to wait to see if the rest of the season answers these questions. Hulu will release an episode every Wednesday, with the next one airing on Jan. 24. If you haven’t started watching The Path yet, now is the perfect time to catch up.