Will the main Avengers’ contracts up, who will remain and who will stay? Chris Hemsworth would really like to stay on as Thor, if he can.
Thor just might be the Avenger who has grown the most. And no, I’m not just saying that because I watched Thor last night in my re-watch of all the MCU films before May 4.
Think about it. Thor started out in the first movie as an arrogant son wanting the throne just because it’s rightly his. By the end of the movie, he grew to understand that he was not yet ready to lead Asgard. In Avengers, he realized the consequences of his actions (and his brother’s) and took responsibility for his brother.
Forget about Thor: The Dark World, something with dark elves? He once again says he doesn’t want to lead Asgard, not yet. He’ll just keep defending it. Age of Ultron has him realizing there’s a larger threat in the universe. And Thor: Ragnarok has him finally becoming the rightful king of Asgard … after destroying his realm.
He has come along way since his beginnings in 2011. Heck, Thor: Ragnarok is the funniest movie of the MCU. Out of all of the Avengers appearing in Infinity War and Avengers 4, he has the best chances of survival.
All that being said, we’ve already covered whether there’s room for Thor in a post-Avengers 4 world. But now, Chris Hemsworth has spoken out about his future as the God of Thunder, especially since his contract is up in 2019.
In an interview with USA Today, Hemsworth said that contractually, yes, he is done playing Thor, saying the whole thing is “potentially finishing.” But he had a discussion with Kevin Feige, and the interview goes on to say the below:
"It’s a conversation for further down the road, if it was going to happen."
Because there are 76 cast members in these next two Avengers films, and Feige isn’t necessarily concerned with Thor’s future just yet.
But Hemsworth and Taika Waititi (director of Ragnarok) spent New Year’s Eve together and already brainstormed ideas for Thor 4, which we all should want because they’ve finally gotten Thor right. They shouldn’t give up on him now.
Next: Is there room for Thor in the post-Avengers 4 world?
Besides, he’s the only one who actively tried to track down Thanos and the Infinity Stones for the last few years. He’s the only one staying focused!