Stranger Things: David Harbour loves Joe Keery as much as we do

Stranger Things’ David Harbour loves Joe Keery and wants Chief Hopper and Steve to have scenes together in the future, so let’s make it happen.

David Harbour, perhaps better known as the Internet’s favorite dad from Stranger Things or that guy you’ve definitely seen in a movie/TV show before and didn’t remember his name until now, is just like us. He’s cool, his Twitter timeline is full of snark, and he loves Joe Keery.

After picking up his Screen Actors Guild nomination, he stopped by Entertainment Weekly to chat about Stranger Things.

Inevitably, ol’ Steve Harrington came up, because how can you talk about Stranger Things and not discuss the character with the most development and irresistible charm? He said the following: “I like that Joe Keery. That kid is hilarious and charming, and he’s a good actor. I would love to see some Hopper/Steve stuff, but I don’t know that that’s possible.”

A Hopper/Steve team-up (#Stopper is the name, don’t even bother with #Heve or anything else) is the smartest thing the show could do since practically everybody loves them. And I know exactly how it could happen, because as of season 2, they’re both total den mothers, okay?

They both transcended any sort of typical dad role and dove headfirst into helicopter mom territory. In the season 2 finale, we saw Steve drop Dustin off at the dance, and Jane was there, too. Which means, at some point, there were a bunch of people in the car loop (namely Steve, Jim, Joyce and Karen) standing around making awkward eye contact.

Related Story: Stranger Things: What we want to see most in season 3

Stranger Things season 3 should be all about the Single Parent Support Group that Steve creates for himself and Hopper. Of course, Joyce gets to attend because she’s awesome, too. And they’ll spend a lot time swapping secret hair styling techniques and talking about the Upside Down. Yes, this is now my official headcanon.

After creating wonderful, independent characters, the next natural step is to put them all into a room together and let them be friends. Apparently, Steve needs to learn how to plant his feet anyway, and Hopper’s the perfect guy to teach him.