What’s going on between Tessa Thompson and Lena Dunham?

Time’s Up took over the Golden Globes and Lena Dunham apparently wanted in as a “founder,” but Tessa Thompson wasn’t having it. So why is she apologizing when she’s right?

Tessa Thompson took to Twitter to apologize for comments she made about Lena Dunham, and honestly, she shouldn’t have to apologize. Lena Dunham, who has always been at the forefront of Twitter outrage, apparently showed up for a photo op for the Time’s Up project.

The problem Thompson had? Dunham apparently hasn’t put in the work on this project, according to Instagram comments she made. Instead, it looks like an opportunity to fix her image in Hollywood, and Thompson wasn’t having any of it. But being the kind of woman that Thompson is (an amazing one who wants to make sure that she is appreciative of all women and their voices), she apologized.

To be quite honest, I don’t think that she needed to. It is time that we stop letting people ride on the coattails of others. If Lena Dunham didn’t put in the work, she doesn’t get to benefit from having her name on it.

Women worked hard to make Time’s Up the theme of the Golden Globes. They put in a lot of time to show the people of Hollywood that we would not stand for inequality and discrimination in the work place. Sexual harassment and sexual assault has to come to an end.

So why should someone like Lena Dunham be hailed as one of the leaders when she didn’t do the work that women like Tessa Thompson did? It isn’t fair. I think that Thompson’s original comments were right, and she shouldn’t have to apologize.

Next: 15 Hollywood celebrities we still love

It’s 2018. Let’s stop pretending that we are doing the work by claiming someone else’s efforts as our own. We love Tessa and all the work she put in to make sure that Time’s Up is something with a lasting message.