Game of Thrones season 8: Social media sparks a theory

Is this Game of Thrones Twitter post just a cute nod to a moment at the Golden Globes, or is it time to put together a conspiracy theory?

The Golden Globes sent off what ended up being a very packed weekend in terms of live TV to watch. From the drama of the U.S. National Championships to the wild card weekend in the NFL playoffs, there was a lot to absorb — and, at first glance, Game of Thrones actors Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke really weren’t one of the big things you need to know about in the grand scheme of the Globes this year. (That would be Oprah, Natalie Portman and Big Little Lies.)

Unless you, like the sharp-eyed fans over at r/freefolk on Reddit, happened to notice that the official Game of Thrones Twitter account posted a picture of its two big stars at this week’s big awards ceremony with a particular caption.

The tweet itself is below:

The topic of the thread in question just about sums up the conspiracy theory side of this: “HBO Confirmed, Jon and Daenerys are Fire and Ice [sic].” See, this would be a conspiracy theory of a conspiracy theory, which sounds like it might be too many levels deep but sounds like exactly the right number of levels for us to get into today.

After all, “his is the song of ice and fire,” from Daenerys’ vision in the House of the Undying in the books, is generally accepted to refer to Jon Snow and Jon Snow alone, because he’s the son of a Stark (ice) and a Targaryen (fire). It was one of the major underpinnings of the canon-in-the-show R+L=J theory about Jon’s parentage.

Ergo, why would the show then refer to “Fire and Ice” with a picture of Harington and Clarke? It reads wrong, too, since we’d expect Harington to be “Ice” as Jon and Clarke as “Fire” as Daenerys.

Then again, just as we said, it’s a level of theory that not all of Game of Thrones‘ nearly 7 million followers have actually reached. So, at the end of it all, it seems like it’s probably nothing too big to read into.

But, allow us a moment of theory — could there be a shift in season 8, either in personalities or in prosecution of the war? After all, Daenerys has already lost one dragon to the ice. It certainly doesn’t mean that she will lose another, but if her actress is supposed to be “Ice…”

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Things could get particularly interesting in season 8 of Game of Thrones is all we’re saying.