Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder have a crossover planned sometime in the future, and here are the characters we’d like to see meet during TGIT.
To kick off the new year, a year which will see the official end of Scandal‘s seventh and final season, Shonda Rhimes confirmed that Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder will have their first crossover. To some, it may seem like a weird move considering there’s no guarantee the fanbases overlap, despite the fact that the shows air back-to-back every Thursday night.
But for those of us who know the Shondaland landscape pretty well, are familiar with Private Practice and are well-aware that Shonda Rhimes re-uses her actors all the time (as Grey’s Anatomy‘s Jessica Capshaw put it, “once you’re in Shondaland, you’re in Shondaland”), this seems like a no-brainer.
Olivia Pope and Annalise Keating have a lot in common beyond the fact that they both had a weird relationship with Liza Weil at some point. They both have loyal henchmen, someone who is obsessed with them in an unhealthy way, and know how to command a room. Of course, I’ll be excited to see what it’s like when they’re in that same room together.
But before we even try to wrap our heads around what that will look like, here are a few other people I’d like to see meet from Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder:
Asher and Huck
To people who don’t know Huck, he could seem like a really scary guy. But for Scandal fans, we all know he’s just a crazy, murderous puppy who needs a shave. Elsewhere, we have Asher, who is also a crazy, murderous puppy who can easily be pushed off the edge — but luckily, he shaves. Oftentimes, it just feels like Huck needs a friend. Just look at how hard he tried to make Quinn’s wedding perfect! Likewise, Asher is just as committed to giving his best gals the best, so I’d love to see him crack a few jokes in front of Huck and wear him down into a hug.
Michaela and Quinn
Michaela and Quinn have so much in common, it’s actually kind of weird. If they meet, share a scene, or even have to work some sort of case together, Quinn’s a shining example of what happens when you let loyalty go and forge your own path. Like Michaela and Annalise, Quinn always wanted to be Olivia and admired how she handled things. However, Quinn needed to learn how to stand on her own. This season, Michaela kind of got the gist, but she won’t get to Quinn’s level until she lets go of her bitterness.
Abby and Bonnie
Abby is one of the original gladiators, so she’s the perfect person to look at Bonnie Winterbottom and say, “You look familiar?”
Fitz and Connor
They’re both privileged and kind of wormy guys who can be really emotional and detached all at the same time. Fortunately, I also believe that Connor wants to turn a corner and I bet he wouldn’t be impressed by Fitzgerald Grant at all. I bet he wouldn’t even find him attractive. And I love to see Fitz walk in the room, swathed in arrogance, and immediately, Connor looks in the other direction, already bored out of his mind.
Charlie and Oliver
They’re both nerds who gave up pieces of their old lives for love. Plus, they’re both the most chill of the bunch, so this would be a scene where no one needs to say anything and they can just sit in the background doing nothing before Charlie turns around and offers Oliver a lollipop.
Mellie, Jake and Laurel
I love the thought of this trio because they all have very different ideas of how to get things done. Jake uses brute force and takes orders from command, Laurel takes orders from no one and kind of wings it on street smarts and dumb luck, and Mellie is willful, stubborn, smart and has a little card named Olivia Pope in her pocket.
If Jake and Mellie sat down with Laurel, they’d offer her two different kinds of advice. But bottom line, I hope Jake realizes that revenge is not the best answer.
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Obviously, I’m saying all this without knowing who’s even going to appear in the TGIT Crossover. Though, I realized after all was said and done that we’re looking at the same character types. Once the young adults of How to Get Away with Murder really grow up, they just become versions of the adults we could find on Scandal. Even Wes and Harrison, who are no longer with us, embodied some of the same traits.
So once the crossover airs, be sure to check back with Culturess for all of our How to Get Away with Murder thoughts.