As filming for Game of Thrones season 8 continues, even the actors are worried about some overeager fans ruining the surprises.
Game of Thrones‘ new take on locking everything down may have already failed, considering the alleged script pages that have already started floating around the Internet. But the worry that the show will be completely and totally ruined should everything be spoiled seems to have spread to the actors, too.
Originally speaking to Metro (and coming to our attention via Uproxx) Ben Crompton said the following about an incident on set where he and his fellow castmates were worried that someone had gotten a drone onto the set: “But there was just this moment there thinking, don’t let there be any spoilers or anything, just let it happen.”
And there’s something to be said for the “just let it happen” approach — in other words, Dolorous Edd has a point. Even when you have an idea of what to expect after going through ad campaigns and material, it’s fun, or at the very least engaging, to be surprised as a fan.
But, speaking as a fan who has had a lot of fun digging up spoilers to share here on Culturess, there are two reasons why I still like spoilers (at least for some things, like Game of Thrones). First, there’s a little thrill about having advance knowledge. It’s a bit like getting some particularly juicy gossip.
However, on the second level, it’s also exciting to have nuggets of information to base theories on. Having watched the show, we have what is effectively a Point A, so figuring out what the Point B is on the way to Point C, a spoiler, means that we’ll be back into the show, talking about the show, probably rewatching bits of the show and generally building buzz.
And, at the end of the day, not every Game of Thrones fan actively seeks out spoilers. Sure, there are some who probably saw this quote and immediately made plans to actually try and use drones, but there are some who don’t engage with this show on this level. That isn’t a knock, either, so much as it is an acknowledgement that there are different kinds of fans for Game of Thrones, and that’s okay.
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So, at the end of it all, while the cast may worry that the show will be done for if so much as a drone gets past the security, this fan thinks that that’s not the case. All in all, it’s survived a lot of this over the past several years. I don’t think this off-season will strike the killing blows.