Why wasn’t Lady Bird obsessed with the Harry Potter series?


Have you seen Lady Bird yet? If so, quick question, why wasn’t she obsessed with Harry Potter and talking about that if this was supposed to be 2002?

Lady Bird is taking the world by storm this year. But I have one big problem with it: it is set in 2002 so why isn’t Harry Potter a big deal? It is established that Lady Bird isn’t exactly the normal Catholic school girl.

So shouldn’t there be a whole bit where she gets in trouble for bringing Harry Potter into school? The argument is that they’re too old for it but the series began in 1997, when these kids would have been around thirteen years old.

So I think that is the perfect age for someone like Lady Bird to begin reading the series. So why isn’t it a bigger deal? Maybe Greta Gerwig was never really a Potter fan so it just didn’t cross her mind.

Which is fine, not everyone has to love this series. But it is interesting that a movie set during one of the peak times in the Harry Potter fandom doesn’t even mention it. Am I nitpicking? Yes, because I loved Lady Bird and I remember what I was like back in 2002.

I would have been at the midnight premieres for anything and everything Harry Potter centered. But still, maybe it just wasn’t what Christine “Lady Bird” was into. Which is fine, even if I think she’d totally love bringing those books to school just to annoy all the nuns there and get in trouble for them.

Next: The wand chooses the wizard: What if it is like the force?

Do you think Harry Potter should have been included in the movie? Or do you think that that movie is about this series? Comment below an let us know what you think!