Pets and Harry Potter: Sometimes, it is just a normal cat or a toad


Most of the animals in the Harry Potter series have something special about them. But then there are some pets that are just, you know, pets that you have.

Pets have an important role in the Harry Potter series. But most of them are special in different ways. Either they’re gigantic (Fang) or they have three heads (Fluffy) or they are a dragon (Norbert).

So when a pet is just simply a normal animal, it is pretty special. The two that really stick out as being just normal animals we would own are Trevor and Crookshanks. Yes, I supposed Hedwig is normal but how many of us have an owl that delivers our letters for us?

Honestly, maybe Crookshanks is the most normal of the pets. Just a cat, chasing a rat. Most everything has a magical element to it in this series but then there’s Crookshanks. Just a cat, going through life trying to not be turned into a goblet.

I think it’s honestly funny. Everything is so outrageous that when there is something normal, we almost make it a bigger deal. Harry could have a talking lizard and that’d be fine but if he just had a goldfish in his room, we’d talk about that for ages.

The Harry Potter series loves to give us things to obsess over. Whether it is a new character or a storyline, we’re enthralled. So when something normal happens, we almost don’t know how to handle it and I think that’s hilarious. Who knew that we’d be obsessed with just a normal cat?

Next: Meg Murry and Hermione Granger: The two girls that helped generations

So who is your favorite pet in the series? Is it Crookshanks or Trevor? What about Hedwig? Sound off in the comments below and let us know who you love!