There’s a quiz that connects your Harry Potter preference to a Disney Princess!


Ever wish your Harry Potter preferences could predict who you’d be as a Disney princess? Well, now you’re in luck because How Stuff Works did it for us!

Your Harry Potter preference says a lot about you. So when this quiz promised to connect me to my favorite ‘Disney twin’, I was skeptical. Why? Well, because I know what I love about the Harry Potter series and I know what Disney princess I am.

Those things have always been set in stone. But surprisingly, this quiz did work! For as long as I can remember, I’ve related to Belle from Beauty and the Beast. So when I answered all the Potter related questions and saw that my ‘twin’ was Belle, I was shocked at how accurate it was.

But then again, most Harry Potter fans know a lot about themselves. For instance, most Gryffindors know they’re Gryffindors and proudly say so (which is, in a way, why they’re probably Gryffindors). And normally, those people also know exactly who they relate to out of the Disney canon. So maybe this quiz is specifically for them.

Either way, it is fun to see what answer you get! I was pleasantly surprised when I got my favorite princess so who knows! Maybe there’s some great ability we all have to relate to the exact things we love over and over again.

Or maybe I just happened to get Belle because I said I like books. Whatever the case may be, this quiz was pretty fun!

Next: You can always tell what a Harry Potter fan loves from the series

What did you get? Did your Disney twin match up with who you thought or were you let down? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you got! We can’t wait to see your answers.