James Potter and Sirius Black: Favorite friend duos we love to talk about


We love friends who love each other and that’s why we love James Potter and Sirius Black! So how do they compare to other famous friend duos? We’re taking a look.

James Potter and Sirius Black always looked out for each other. They made sure they were both happy and tried to do right by each other. But were they the best friend duo of our dreams? Well, we’ve already compared them to Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers and how they’re amazing.

But let’s look at them in the Harry Potter series. Is Ron Weasley and Harry Potter a better set of friends? Arguably no. James and Sirius are just different in a lot of ways but then again, they’re very similar just in a different way. Ron and his family take in Harry when he has no one, he becomes part of their family, much like Sirius with the Potters.

They’re best friends just trying to figure out their lives and see what they can do together and I think, in a lot of ways they’re very much the same. But then James and Sirius have a deeper bond because Sirius lost James. He lost a part of him that he’s had since he was a child and I feel like that makes the two of them closer in a weird way.

Either way, both these friendships are incredible and this series highlights the importance of friends in every aspect of our lives.

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Who do you think this is the best friend duo? Do you think James and Sirius takes the cake or does Harry Potter and Ron Weasley beat them? Or someone else entirely? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think!