What did your favorite Harry Potter character make their NYE resolution?


New Years in the Harry Potter world never really existed but it is fun to think about. So what did your favorite characters make their New Years resolution?

Harry Potter and his friends never really talked about their New Year’s resolutions because they had more important things to worry about. But what if they were focused on going into 2018 with fresh minds and fixing themselves?

We’re going through a few of our favorite characters to see exactly what their resolutions would be. First up, Harry Potter himself. Now Harry has an easy one: Be nicer to my kids. Why? Because the events of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child are on their way and maybe he is realizing now that he shouldn’t tell his son “Sometimes I wish you weren’t my son” because that’s not great parenting.

Then we have Hermione Granger, who’s New Year’s resolution is to most definitely share more books with her daughter. Hermione gets so caught up in her work that she often forgets to share special moments with Rose.

Ron Weasley’s resolution? Well, honestly I don’t think he’d give it much thought. Or it’d be something like “Call my mum more often” and not anything substantial unless Hermione forced him to make a real one.

The best resolution though would belong to Hagrid. He’d just want to make everyone happy. No matter what he did, he would want those he love to have a good year and that’s why we love Hagrid.

Next: Emma Watson is doing an incredible thing for young girls with her books

Did we miss your favorite? Leave them off the list? Tell us what you think their resolution would be! Or what is your New Year’s resolution? Sound off in the comments below and let us know how you’re taking on 2018!